Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Only Old People Use Facebook

I recently saw an article somewhere (I'm sure it was one of the very hard-hitting news sources I read like Huffington Post or E! News or Twitter) about the decline of social media use by teens. I've actually noticed this trend myself...not really so much with teens, considering I'm 33 and don't really hang out with many teenagers these days... But I have noticed it with the early to mid twenties crowd that are my "Facebook friends." I really do have a legit reason to be FB friends with people in their early twenties, just like I had a legit reason to watch Teletubbies & Lambchop when I was in high school. My sister is 10 years younger so she is my connection to all things hip and cool and funky fresh as I gracefully age. As I have met and friend requested more of her peeps over the past few years, I see very little activity from them in comparison to folks my age and older. I just find that generation gap really puzzling because what else are younger people doing staring at their phones all the time if they aren't on Facebook?! According to this in-depth scientific study, kids these days are more into Tumblr, Keek, Snap Chat and mediums of social media that are more of messaging services. Sometimes I consider branching out & exploring this new form of social media... I've downloaded Tumblr but I don't really quite understand how it works or what it's purpose is. I've seen all the Kardashians posting on Instagram to follow them on Keek. I'm sorry, but I'm not downloading something called Keek. That's just a dumb name. Also I don't understand it's purpose either. And Snap Chat... What does that even mean?! I think I might be getting old. But I guess that's fitting since only us old folks seem to be regularly using those archaic social media sites & apps like Facebook & Twitter. I wonder what is more appealing to younger generations about these messaging apps? What's wrong with just regular ole text messaging or picture messaging? I mean you've already got standard capability to SMS, MMS, iMessage, or if you're still super old school with a Blackberry & actually know someone else with a Blackberry too, BBM. Whatevs, guess I'll just continue being uncool and keep my Facebook stalking to people in my generation. But just know that when the "in" thing is talking on the phone again instead of messaging, count me out! I don't want talk with my voice. I will only talk by tapping an occasional message on my touch screen which you will receive in one of four places: messages, Facebook, Twitter, or if you're really lucky, email. And GET OFF MY LAWN! I'm really great at being a grumpy old person.
