Monday, February 18, 2013

Things I Learned (and known facts reiterated) On Vacation

1. I have amazing friends.
2. Jeff & Cliff are truly gracious hosts.
3. I hate being away from my doggy.
4. The monuments and memorials in D.C. are really incredible.
5. Washington D.C. was supposed to be 10X10 square miles taking some of Maryland & some of Virginia along the Potomac River but Virginia petitioned to get the port of Alexandria back because of it's importance in Virginia's slave trade.
6. The Library of Congress is fascinating.
7. Democracy in a large group is inefficient.
8. There is certainly something to be said for southern hospitality. Maryland may not technically be a northern state but they sure do tend to act like it.
9. Public and mass transportation are good in theory but I really like having a car. And driving.
10. When a group gets larger than about 6 people I'm no longer little miss sunshine.
11. There is a slight variation in color of the marble & other stone used for the Washington Monument due to a halt in construction for various reasons.
12. I think there should be a reality show competition of my friends trying to out hospitalitize (yes, I just made up that word) each other. It would be hilarious.
13. Being in our nation's capital is a sincerely moving experience. As a country, we keep making the same mistakes over and over. Even so, I am a proud American and continue to have hope that we will eventually learn a few lessons and make some changes.
14. Apparently my legs won't actually fall off even if I walk 38,000 miles in a day.
15. I love to travel and I really love to come home.


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