Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Two Cents

I know I'm a little late chiming in on the "shocking" death of Robin Williams, but here's my two cents anyway.

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It's not a surprise to me that someone's suicide is a surprise to others. "There were no signs." "He was great." "Everything seemed normal." Etc. People who deal with chronic depression are REALLY good at covering the signs of trouble everyone is watching for. Trust me, I know. It's our way of life. 

When you aren't worried is probably when you should be most worried. 

Some may think covering stems from low self-esteem and not wanting to bother others with our burden. I guess that could be part of it but in my experience, it's mostly that I don't want to talk about it. When the black hole is taking over my existence, I cover because it's personal. It's mine. And I don't want to talk about it. You can't do anything, there's nothing you can say to fix me so what's the point? If all your rationalizing could actually make a difference, then wouldn't all my rational thoughts have already won? I do still have rational thoughts. I know what makes sense logically. I know life isn't bad. I know all the wonderful people and things I have. I know there are much bigger struggles in the world. I know. 

But I can't feel it. I can only feel the force that is like a living, breathing beast that is taking up residence inside.  There's nothing you can say or that I can think to control it.

People give all this wonderful advice on how to help someone with depression...what to watch for...dos & don'ts.... Unfortunately it's all kind of pointless because it's pretty impossible to help if you don't understand and it's pretty impossible to understand unless you've been there. Even those of us who always have the beast lurking in the shadows don't have the right thing to say or the magic answer. The only advantage is that we can relate to the feeling of helplessness, but we all process it differently. 

I absolutely hate trying to go to a doctor about depression. I seem fine, perfectly normal. What do I have to be depressed about? They never understand and the "let's try this pill on for size" treatment sucks. I'd rather just fight on my own than continue endless rounds trying out the drug du jour. It's a constant battle; I want to fully live my life, not just this uninvested half-life, but I don't want to take a pill every day to feel normal or go to therapy and talk about my stupid feelings. Luckily for me, my loved ones watch for changes. Even if they don't know exactly what's up, they know when something is different and call me on it. This helps rational and logical me keep the beast in check and I grudgingly go get medicated. Since the real me does actually want to stick around this crazy life for a while, sometimes I have to just suck it up and accept help. 

If the beast inside a depressed person fully takes over and suicide is honestly the goal, it is highly unlikely anyone will know. That's the point. The person suffering can truly only see one resolution to make it all stop, and he will not want anyone to keep him from peace. There probably won't be any signs. If there are, they will be so minuscule that you really can't blame yourself for missing them. A half-assed suicide attempt is actually kind of a good thing. The attempter knows the darkness is taking over but doesn't want to give in. When there are obvious signs that means he really wants help but doesn't know how to ask. This is where doctors, meds, and therapy can revive someone's ability to fight. 

It's very sad that Robin Williams couldn't see any other way out, but I get it. It's an unfortunate reminder that we don't know what internal battles people are facing. 

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Kindness is a blessing each of us is capable of bestowing upon each other. It may take a little effort, but it's worth it. You never know when your kindness may be what reignites the spark of light that can guide someone out of their unfathomable darkness. Of all the little nuggets of wisdom out there on how to help someone with depression, I think the golden rule still triumphs. No, treating others kindly will not cure anyone but it generates hope, positivity, and love. Who doesn't need a little more of those in their life? 

Depression isn't a state of mind, it's a state of being. But it doesn't always win. 


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Very Real Emotions of Fiction

Hey y'all! It's been a minute since I've added a new post to the ole bloggity blog. I certainly haven't been too busy to write, just too lazy.

Right now I'm in a state of emotional turmoil and need an outlet. Don't worry, nothing IRL is causing the disturbance. It's a book. Well, actually, a series of books. I'm all up in that YA Fantasy life (or paranormal thriller? Whatever.) and I. CAN'T. EVEN.

Issue number one is a total #FirstWorldProblem. It's a 10 book series and the first 3 were free Kindle downloads. It's crack, I'm telling you. "Here, have a little taste... It's free... Reading is good..." Then BLAM. "Oh, you want more? That's gonna cost ya, little lady." Okay, so it's only 5 bucks for each book. But, still! So anyway, now I'm hooked on crack and I just had a really bad trip. I think I may be mixing drug references, but you get the point. 

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Issue number two is something super major just happened at the end of book 5 and I'm just not emotionally ready to move on yet. I won't give any details in case anyone else reads the series. Then you can sit in the dark and cry when you get to this point, too. So, if you want to have your heart ripped out (kind of just kidding because so far the story is pretty amazing but kind of not kidding because I literally did cry), you should totally read The Girl in the Box by Robert J Crane. 

Now that I've been able to express a little of my teenage angst, I think I'm ready to dive back in. 

Here's a link to the book list. Books 1-3 are free on all ebook formats if you want to join me down the rabbit hole!

Happy reading fellow bookworms!


Friday, September 27, 2013

Bitch Switch

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I really try to minimize the effect outside influences have on my mood, but sometimes things just get to me. I feel guilty when I let things bother me that I know I should just let roll because I am fully aware of how blessed I am. There are a lot of really great people in my life, the best family ever, a good job, shelter, transportation, food, the cutest dog in the whole wide world.... I know I have so much to be thankful for that really, I shouldn't sweat the small stuff. But sometimes there's one teensy little thing that sneaks in and flips the switch. Then I have to make a mighty effort to stop the bad mood from taking over. Because a bad mood will spread like wildfire. I would much rather be responsible for spreading laughter than a pissy-pants attitude. But it takes work, y'all... So I'm gonna just chill with my pup, have a bottle of wine, and think happy thoughts.
