Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Very Real Emotions of Fiction

Hey y'all! It's been a minute since I've added a new post to the ole bloggity blog. I certainly haven't been too busy to write, just too lazy.

Right now I'm in a state of emotional turmoil and need an outlet. Don't worry, nothing IRL is causing the disturbance. It's a book. Well, actually, a series of books. I'm all up in that YA Fantasy life (or paranormal thriller? Whatever.) and I. CAN'T. EVEN.

Issue number one is a total #FirstWorldProblem. It's a 10 book series and the first 3 were free Kindle downloads. It's crack, I'm telling you. "Here, have a little taste... It's free... Reading is good..." Then BLAM. "Oh, you want more? That's gonna cost ya, little lady." Okay, so it's only 5 bucks for each book. But, still! So anyway, now I'm hooked on crack and I just had a really bad trip. I think I may be mixing drug references, but you get the point. 

Image Credit: someecards.com
Issue number two is something super major just happened at the end of book 5 and I'm just not emotionally ready to move on yet. I won't give any details in case anyone else reads the series. Then you can sit in the dark and cry when you get to this point, too. So, if you want to have your heart ripped out (kind of just kidding because so far the story is pretty amazing but kind of not kidding because I literally did cry), you should totally read The Girl in the Box by Robert J Crane. 

Now that I've been able to express a little of my teenage angst, I think I'm ready to dive back in. 

Here's a link to the book list. Books 1-3 are free on all ebook formats if you want to join me down the rabbit hole!


Happy reading fellow bookworms!


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