Friday, September 27, 2013

Bitch Switch

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I really try to minimize the effect outside influences have on my mood, but sometimes things just get to me. I feel guilty when I let things bother me that I know I should just let roll because I am fully aware of how blessed I am. There are a lot of really great people in my life, the best family ever, a good job, shelter, transportation, food, the cutest dog in the whole wide world.... I know I have so much to be thankful for that really, I shouldn't sweat the small stuff. But sometimes there's one teensy little thing that sneaks in and flips the switch. Then I have to make a mighty effort to stop the bad mood from taking over. Because a bad mood will spread like wildfire. I would much rather be responsible for spreading laughter than a pissy-pants attitude. But it takes work, y'all... So I'm gonna just chill with my pup, have a bottle of wine, and think happy thoughts.


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