Monday, September 3, 2012

I started a poem in my dream last night

I come up with the most genius ideas as I'm falling asleep (or in my sleep) and can never remember them when I wake up.  But I know it was there, floating in my brain.  And I know it was awesome.  Don't you hate it when that happens?  A million years ago when I was in school I always did my best work late at night.  Or maybe that was just the result of chronic procrastination I'm remembering.  That lingering feeling that I had a really good idea for a poem is pretty much what got me thinking that a blog might be a good idea.  I don't really have much to say that is incredibly interesting but it could be a good brain exercise in creativity.  And Lord knows I need to exercise something so I guess the brain is as good a place as any to start!    I used to keep a journal by my bed with the intention of being able to easily jot down these brilliant ideas but it still never happened.  I like to write in my journal although it is a bit strange to write by hand instead of typing these days.  There is just something cathartic about putting pen to paper rather than the usual fingers to keyboard.  Unfortunately my journal fell behind my couch a couple weeks ago and I've been too lazy to rescue it.  Maybe that was another catalyst for the blog?  

Well anyway, since I'm new to the blogging world and don't really have a particular direction or passionate interest about which I am inspired to write, coming up with a blog title and blog address was quite the undertaking.  It made me ask myself, “What is intriguing about me?”  Being my own worst critic, I found it difficult to come up with answers.   I considered blogging about pet stuff but I’m not really any kind of expert.  I’m just a bad owner whose dog runs the show so I can’t really give advice on that subject.  I’m a fantastic bargain shopper and pretty good at styling myself and my friends, but I would probably lose interest in writing about that.  I love to read but wasn’t really focused enough while I was trying to find information on blogging about book reviews.  So, that just leaves us with the randomness of my life and personality!  If you are reading this, you're probably thinking “hmmm, let’s see if M (or Foster or Melisser or MiMi or whichever of the other MANY nicknames that y’all call me) has anything funny to say…”  I don’t promise to be especially humorous or captivating but don’t worry; I tend to not follow through on much so this blogging phase isn’t likely to last.  For the time being, I find myself quite amusing and really, isn’t that what matters?



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