Sunday, January 13, 2013

I forgot to take a picture of my lunch...

It was delicious. And I don't care if you think it's dumb for people to post pics of their food. If you find it that annoying, just don't follow me on Instagram or Twitter and unfriend me on Facebook. I'm totally cool with that. Granted, some people go a little crazy with it and photograph every morsel they eat. That is annoying so I don't follow those people. But hey, who am I to judge? I'm a crazy dog mom, aunt, sister, adoptive aunt to friends' dogs, etc. And my posts are FULL of doggy shenanigans. I'm okay with that and if you don't like it, I'm okay with that too. Basically, I love the people in my life, the animals in my life, the places I spend my time, and random stuff I see. And I'm gonna take pictures of it. I freaking love Instagram. I'm not a professional photographer or a hipster & I'm not trying to be. I just like to take pictures of stuff and share them and really enjoy looking at other people's pictures too. It's fun to be able to share your life via pictures and the people that don't want to see ain't gotta look. So I say snap away Instagramers and post to your little shutterbug heart's content!


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