Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the circle of life

The Foster pack is sadly less one member today. Our Daisy has gone to heaven where there are no dogs or other cats to bother her, only humans to comply with her petting and snuggling demands and offer lots of toes for biting. That cat was a bigger diva than Mariah Carey and Beyoncé combined. And she was beautiful, loving, and full of personality. I will certainly miss her insistent meow which I usually understood to mean something along the lines of "human, open that door," "human, do not pick me up," "human, it is not my decision to go outside at this time, therefore I will not," "human, why did you not anticipate my desire to open the door, I am still waiting..." etc. She was a great cuddle buddy; when I lived with Mom & Dad there were many times Daisy was supposed to be outside but I would sneak her in to snuggle for the night...and I'm not even a cat person. Bailey said we had Daisy for seventeen years which would mean that Bailey was only 5 when Daisy joined the fam. They basically grew up together. That scraggly, dirty kitten turned out to be one of the most beautiful cats ever. She was the last of the family pets from childhood. Daisy was a good kitty and we are going to miss her.


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