Tuesday, January 1, 2013

so fresh & so clean

The first day of the new year is almost officially over. Last night at mom & dad's was super fun with lots of laughing, dancing, singing, hugging, and toasting. Today I slept late (but considering I didn't go to sleep until after 5 a.m., not really), had breakfast casserole that Ruthie in her infinite wisdom made yesterday, my sister brought me a cup of coffee, I cuddled with some puppies & a kitty, laughed with friends & family, I went to work for a few hours & chatted with some of my work buddies, we got slammed with a bit of an outage, then I got to come home to my Zeusy-face. If the past 24 hours is indicative of what 2013 has in store, then I expect it will be a wonderful year!


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