Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Girl & Her Dog

Once upon a time in a land not very far away there was a very small fur ball without a home. His sister's new family was going to foster him but he never even made it to their house before his sweet little face thawed out a spot in my icy, grinchy heart. I said he could spend one night "just to see how it goes." Who did I think I was kidding? That little mutt had found his home.

As a young pup he was quite independent and not much of a snuggler, much to my dismay. I had one small window each day...when I would get home from work he would want to be held like a baby for a few minutes, only while standing though. As soon as I would try to sit, mommy snuggles were over. I would come home and pick up my 40 pound puppy and just stand in the doorway with his head on my shoulder for as long as I could. 

I always knew when he didn't feel good (like the time he ate an entire Easter basket of candy including chocolate & foil wrappers or the time he ate a small snake which he regurgitated on me) because he would actually be lovey and cuddly instead of sassy and playful. 

As he's grown older he has decided that he does like snuggles after all and now quite often sees no need in personal space. So while puppy snuggles are the best part of my day, when he uses me as furniture and digs a doggy elbow in my ribs it's not really super pleasant. He has destroyed more shoes than some people have ever owned, multiple purses & belts, fences, and doors. He is an accomplished escape artist and when all else fails does not hesitate to resort to brute strength and sheer determination. He is utterly exasperating. 

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He has also been with me through 2 states, 5 moves, countless bouts of depression, my "coming home" adjustment finding my place in my family again, many thoughtful romps in the woods, and lots of good times full of laughter too. He is ridiculously protective and never lets me cry alone. He is entertaining, goofy, and adoring. He cracks me up every day. His doggy smile and wagging tail are the best greeting. I'm sure many people think I'm crazy because I call myself a "dog mom" and post a gajillion pictures of my Zeusy-fruit and have corny nicknames for my dog like Zeusy-fruit, but I don't even care. Haters gonna hate.  I'm really happy to be a dog mom and I can't even imagine what a miserable person I might be without my Zeusykins. 


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