Saturday, May 18, 2013

Social Media Sadness

The level of my self-esteem is directly proportional to the number of "likes" on a Facebook post. And lately it's been plunging. I'm not sure what's going on with you people... Maybe you aren't on Facebook as often, maybe touching that little thumbs up is just too much effort, maybe I'm not showing up in your news feed on your mobile device. I don't know what it is, but y'all need to remedy this situation like now. Because I'm still just as incredibly witty and amusing as always and you meanies are withholding your "likes" and crushing my self-worth. I'm beginning to doubt my hilarity, my ability to choose interesting things to repost or share, and my overall likability. And it's all your fault. If you're worried that "liking" all my posts will make me realize you are Facebook stalking me, don't-I'm totally fine with it. I'm mean, surely SOMEONE is Facebook stalking me, right. I don't consider myself a social media whore by any means, my posts are not all that frequent (in my opinion) so come on, throw me a bone. Now since my FB popularity seems to have decreased I'm starting to obsess over my lack of Twitter followers. I don't really tweet much, I mostly use it for celebrity stalking and quips with friends that aren't quite FB appropriate, but I'm trying to use it a bit more. And by golly, all you non-followers are totes gonna miss out on all my super interesting musings. So basically what I'm saying here is: if you tweet, you can follow me @MFer205 or just make a point to "like" something, ANYTHING I post on the old FB wall occasionally so I'll still feel relevant. K, thanks!

~Mellie (just trying it on to see how it fits)


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