Friday, January 18, 2013

Gotta get down on Friday

This sunshine after what seemed like endless rain is giving me a bad case of faux spring fever. Mix in the fact that it's Friday... That equals me having a very difficult time focusing at work. I want to play! Just a few more hours and I'll be free for some girl talk, sun, Bud Light, football watching, and Behold the Brave in Atlanta this weekend! I can almost breathe again. Happy weekend to all!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the circle of life

The Foster pack is sadly less one member today. Our Daisy has gone to heaven where there are no dogs or other cats to bother her, only humans to comply with her petting and snuggling demands and offer lots of toes for biting. That cat was a bigger diva than Mariah Carey and Beyoncé combined. And she was beautiful, loving, and full of personality. I will certainly miss her insistent meow which I usually understood to mean something along the lines of "human, open that door," "human, do not pick me up," "human, it is not my decision to go outside at this time, therefore I will not," "human, why did you not anticipate my desire to open the door, I am still waiting..." etc. She was a great cuddle buddy; when I lived with Mom & Dad there were many times Daisy was supposed to be outside but I would sneak her in to snuggle for the night...and I'm not even a cat person. Bailey said we had Daisy for seventeen years which would mean that Bailey was only 5 when Daisy joined the fam. They basically grew up together. That scraggly, dirty kitten turned out to be one of the most beautiful cats ever. She was the last of the family pets from childhood. Daisy was a good kitty and we are going to miss her.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

I forgot to take a picture of my lunch...

It was delicious. And I don't care if you think it's dumb for people to post pics of their food. If you find it that annoying, just don't follow me on Instagram or Twitter and unfriend me on Facebook. I'm totally cool with that. Granted, some people go a little crazy with it and photograph every morsel they eat. That is annoying so I don't follow those people. But hey, who am I to judge? I'm a crazy dog mom, aunt, sister, adoptive aunt to friends' dogs, etc. And my posts are FULL of doggy shenanigans. I'm okay with that and if you don't like it, I'm okay with that too. Basically, I love the people in my life, the animals in my life, the places I spend my time, and random stuff I see. And I'm gonna take pictures of it. I freaking love Instagram. I'm not a professional photographer or a hipster & I'm not trying to be. I just like to take pictures of stuff and share them and really enjoy looking at other people's pictures too. It's fun to be able to share your life via pictures and the people that don't want to see ain't gotta look. So I say snap away Instagramers and post to your little shutterbug heart's content!


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Everyone's a writer

I've been thinking about the culture of blogging plus reading some not so stellar ebooks on the Kindle and have come to the conclusion that many folks fancy themselves writers these days.

Blogging is a really cool concept and the content is amazingly varied. There is no prerequisite for starting a blog. If you can figure out how to create an account and choose your template, voila... you are a blogger. It doesn't even matter whether or not you actually have something to say. It's cool though, I'm glad everyone has the opportunity for this outlet. I'm all for anything that encourages creativity and possibly even promotes literacy. I just think some "bloggers" (it's in quotation marks because there are people who blog and then there are "bloggers") who take it all a little too seriously.

Moving on to the great literary works that wind up in my Kindle library... I download lots of the free books which is probably my first mistake (although many of the classics which actually ARE great pieces of literature are free ebooks). But I'm really kind of an indiscriminate reader. I read because it is the most effective escape, not because I'm trying to learn something new or enhance my ability to participate in heated literary discussions of the greatest books of all time. Reading for me is a bit like having a television or radio on for background noise is for other people; it rescues me from my own thoughts. Many people don't like silence, I enjoy the silence but I still like to block out the thinking sometimes. Since I'm not exactly particular about what I read, I end up reading a whole lot of crap. I honestly just don't understand how so many books get published with a ridiculous amount of simple proofreading errors, typos, unintentional atrocious grammar, etc. I don't know if it's just the electronic versions are poorly translated or if it's an utter lack of quality control in attempt to find the next best seller that will become a box office money-maker. I don't write error-free or with perfect grammar. I'm a comma whore (who am I kidding, just a punctuation whore in general... exclamation points, anyone?!) and I'll have run-on sentence that could last for days, but it's not my job to write, proofread, edit, or publish! It's kind of like when a professional athlete messes up and I'm screaming "it's your JOB to catch the ball!!" But as frustrating as it can be, I'm sure I'll continue to read poorly written and edited drivel just as millions will continue to watch pro athletes miss touchdowns and free throws.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

so fresh & so clean

The first day of the new year is almost officially over. Last night at mom & dad's was super fun with lots of laughing, dancing, singing, hugging, and toasting. Today I slept late (but considering I didn't go to sleep until after 5 a.m., not really), had breakfast casserole that Ruthie in her infinite wisdom made yesterday, my sister brought me a cup of coffee, I cuddled with some puppies & a kitty, laughed with friends & family, I went to work for a few hours & chatted with some of my work buddies, we got slammed with a bit of an outage, then I got to come home to my Zeusy-face. If the past 24 hours is indicative of what 2013 has in store, then I expect it will be a wonderful year!
